
Here’s an idea to go along with the whole “Me-ternity Leave” discussion: diabeternity. This could be interpreted as “diabetes for eternity” or as a leave of absence to get diabetes in check. Or both. Or neither.

Last month there was an article suggesting how Me-ternity Leave should go. It’s hilarious and spot on. And it made me think about Diabeternity Leave. Just like it would be nice to have time off without kids, it would be nice to take 12 weeks off of life in order to adjust to and learn about diabetes. But that’s not reality.

So instead we take it on – as patients or parents or caregivers or whatever the case may be. We don’t make excuses or ask for special privileges. We learn how to make choices and poke fingers and take medications and inject and change sets/sensors and interpret numbers and calculate doses. And make choices.

Life is about choices and so is diabetes. Although no one chose to get diabetes, those of us who have it can choose how we respond to it. So until there’s a cure there’s Diabeternity – let’s have fun with it.


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