Question #9: If you could predict the future, how do you think you will do with diabetes? If the response is positive, add: How can you make this happen? If the response is negative, add: How can you avoid this?
I am very confident that I am going to do very well. I plan to live to be at least 85 years old and I have no idea what will take me, but I don’t think it will be diabetes-related. I do have worries about being in a nursing home, because I don’t want anyone “taking care” of me, but maybe I’ll just have to work hard and make sure I own the nursing home, and then I’ll be the boss :).
I can make this happen by continuing to work with providers who give me great information and direction when I need it; by staying positive and focused and motivated (at least most of the time); by staying connected with people who understand me and make me laugh; by being in charge of my life and my health and making my own choices every day. In addition, I can make this happen by maintaining balance in my life – between family, work, health, and enjoyment. And by taking advantage of quiet moments. And by remembering to enjoy “everything in moderation”…even moderation!
That’s my story. At least for now.