An article in Bloomberg Businessweek says my generation is heavier and less healthy than my parents’ generation was at our age. I’m saddened by this news, but it makes sense. We live farther away from work and the store – so we drive or take the bus/train. We sit at computers more and we have more opportunities to do less activity.
But that is a choice. We also know more about a lot of things – we have technology available that our parents didn’t dream about. I hope our generation and the ones that follow us will use our knowledge and our creativity to develop neighborhoods that are active-lifestyle friendly. I hope work environments will take physical and emotional health seriously and make it a priority (more and more are).
Most of all, I hope we can turn this trend around and be a healthy generation well into old age. And by doing so we will set an example for our kids and their kids and so on. Amen.