Healthy Snacks



What are some good snacks for people with diabetes? I get this question a lot. Certainly fruits, vegetables, and nuts (or other plant based fats) are great snacks. As far as chips, crackers, ice cream, cookies, baked goods, sweetened drinks, and so on, it’s the same message for everyone: stick with whole grains, low fat dairy, fruit and lots of vegetables; limit trans fats (found in packaged foods), and watch saturated fats (found mainly in animal-based fats).

So what about Greek yogurt? It’s all the rage these days. I’ve never been a big yogurt person, but every once in a while I’ll have some. I decided to try Greek yogurt recently and I’d say it’s ok. It’s not horrible, but as a non-yogurt person I wasn’t blown away. What did impress me, however, is that there was no (zero) fat, and only 16 gm carbohydrate in one cup  (serving). It’s gluten-free, and has live and active cultures that can enhance gut health. So my thought is that if you like yogurt, Greek yogurt is a healthy snack choice. Who knows, it just might grow on me! Here’s some more information on the benefits of Greek yogurt.

Do you eat Greek yogurt?

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