September is a busy month! I just learned that there was an “Invisible Illness Week” this month. Diabetes is an invisible illness. Although diabetes-related complications can sometimes be visible, unless someone knows we have diabetes, it’s not obvious from the outside.
One of the downsides to an invisible illness is staying motivated to take care of it. Diabetes can be invisible to the owner, too! I think about all the things I want to do in my life, and that’s what motivates me to take care of myself. Some of those things are immediate and others are down the road. How do you stay motivated when you don’t see or feel the effects of diabetes?
An interesting thing about social media is that we put our diabetes “out there” by becoming involved in all these conversations. On the one hand, it’s great to have support and camaraderie. On the other hand, it’s nice to keep to myself, too. I make an effort to find balance between being “out there” and being “invisible.” How do you balance the two extremes (if you do)?