Jane’s Books



Print Book: You can purchase a copy of People With Diabetes Can Eat Anything in print version by clicking here (also available at Amazon). People With Diabetes Can Eat Anything, is about living well with diabetes, and it’s for those with and without diabetes.

E-book: You can order a copy of the e-book version by clicking here.





My e-book, Diabetes Karma, is a compilation of essays about everyday things and how they relate to diabetes. You can purchase a copy of Diabetes Karma by clicking here.




Head-Shot-10.10.11-150x150I am a nurse, diabetes educator, mom, wife, teacher, writer – not necessarily in that order. I have type 1 diabetes and I work with people who have all types of diabetes. I believe in a positive approach to living with diabetes: it’s all about choices, balance and a healthy attitude. I can be reached at janekdickinson@gmail.com.