Across the way from our neighborhood there is a groomed cross-country ski/snowshoe trail. I’m not sure how long it is, but I know I can snowshoe for at least an hour over there. I’ve been using it quite a bit this winter, and one day I realized that I rarely look up. I tend to stare at the snow in front of me and trudge along.
When I did look up, though, I discovered how incredibly beautiful the scenery is. I was surrounded by 360 degrees of mountains! This may seem pretty obvious for someone living in the Rockies, but somehow I missed it time after time. I’ve taken walks in other parts of the country that are just as beautiful – New Hampshire, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Jersey, California, Florida. And I’m quite sure there are many more.
What I realized is that rather than staring at the ground and trudging along, I can look up and actually enjoy my workout – no matter where I am. And an added bonus to looking up is that the time goes by faster!