There are still over 300 million people in this world who have diabetes! But we can say that yesterday, which was World Diabetes Day, was a huge success. People were talking! The word was being spread about how much diabetes there is, what it’s like to live with diabetes, and so on.
I went to bed last night thinking about how World Diabetes Day felt like a HUGE (worldwide) get-together. I don’t want to say “celebration,” because these numbers are not really something to celebrate. Yet we celebrated each other and the support we give and get from non-profit organizations and the Diabetes Online Community.
I am always humbled to see and think about the advocacy efforts that are being made in the name of diabetes – making life better and safer for those who live with it, and working on a cure so future people don’t have to.
Thank you to everyone who participated in some way – big or small – in World Diabetes Day. I plan to be even more involved next year, and one day I hope there will be no World Diabetes Day.